Day 30
Its a good question. I mean went you are stressed, worried or nervous you tense up and therefore have a higher chance of messing up. Its well know. Its proper science. So when i do something i like to do it with rhythm, with swagger and fernes... i might look as though im being cocky but really im just going through the motions! I can see how it might look and in a place where there is always somebody ready to challenge you it def is kinda dangerous! But thats what makes it fun! i mean being scared of being hit is pointless cas at one point you are gonna get doubt about it! Once you realise your jaw isnt make of glass it does give you a certain bravado. And if you do get knocked out you aint gonna notice it till way after anyway so who cares. getting kocked out doesnt hurt. waking up does, but by then the fight is already over!
No sparring yesteday just a lot of doubles attack and defend while all the big guys did thier sparring. We get ours on wednesday... Two more people from my weight range were there yesterday and im def not worried about them. So all is looking good in terms of fittness and confidence i just need to find a bit more motivation for training again as its wearing off slightly! Im in the middle of the beginning and the middle of this training so i have nothing to look foward to and im already in a routine so its kinda hard to motivate myself. I think i hit the ground running a bit too quick and the amount of sets and reps im doing is getting a bit out of control. Its just quite daunting atm thinking about how much i have to do and how long it takes everyday. i mean my gym sessions at lunch are starting to get longer and longer and this week i have really hit a wall. today was really hard .
I did 10 min running and my pull ups(3 times 6 + 3 times 5 wide arms) plus 3 sets of burpies sets.. now up to 25 pushups 50 situps 15 burpies 25 squats 50 starjumps and 50 foot shuffles.....
and to finish off 5 lengths of the pool.. i m going for a big run at 5pm so i tried not to do too much!
date night tonight! Inception! sick..... treat myself to some popcorn! well deserved!
see you tomorrow and 2nd sparring session! woooooooooo hhooooooooo!
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