Monday, September 20, 2010

The End!

Day Finish ready!

So I've left a good couple of days to write my final episode of this... I did it for several reasons. One being the annoyance with myself for being under par. The other because i wanted to reflect on everything that happened..I think the most annoying thing is that i know i lost. There is no question that i did and that gets to me. I'm not going to pull out any excuses why i lost. I don't deserve that and i couldn't have done any more! I have been given a lot of support after the fight which has been really nice. A lot of commiserations and kind words which has been brilliant.... But the simple truth was that on the night he was better than me. End of. I just couldn't get myself up for some reason. I don't know why! I didn't have this adrenaline rush everyone was going on about! I didn't have fear. I didn't have nerves. It was strange. I could have walked into the ring with mike Tyson and i would have done the same. Maybe i was over owed by the occasion but i don't think i was. Maybe in the back of my mind i felt like i was gonna lose, but i didn't think that was it either. His punching was a lot better than i had ever seen it and he was far more fitter than he usually was.. On the night he seemed to find what i didn't. I felt heavy and out of breath very quickly. I don't know if its cas he hit me in the nose early on and i couldn't breath though anything but my mouth...Strange. Like the animal i am i played football the next day (scored the winner against the Germans by the way) and i had so much energy! i ran people into the ground! I don't know, i just know that this will not be my last fight! i know what to expect now walking into the ring. And lets face it. If i fought again could they pair me up with someone that is 7kg heavier, a foot taller and 15 inc bigger reach again? I mean by all accounts he should have at least knocked me out!!! I would be quite annoyed if i was that much bigger and didn't do any damage to the other person! hahahah but that's just me being petty... .i wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Just like i said before i even knew who i was fighting! I love the David vs Goliath thing....Anyway hes a nice guy and was a true gent after he won and I'm glad that if i had to lose to someone it was him.... My wife gave me great support on the night and after she was a real star too..... She helped me a lot and I'm glad she was there to watch even if i did lose!

So back to reality and regular work weeks.. at least i have my baby boy to look forward too! That will be my enjoyment from now on! I want to keep up the fitness aspect of everything so am starting back in the gym from tomorrow.... Ive had bar the fight a couple of weeks off now! So ill continue doing the gym at lunch every day and my football. Once the beginning of the baby thing is out the way ill go back to the boxing and maybe try for another fight!!!!


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